Amiga Format CD 42
Amiga Format AFCD42 (Issue 126, Aug 1999).iso
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// $Id: body.cpp,v 1.8 1999/03/09 14:37:15 shields Exp $
// This software is subject to the terms of the IBM Jikes Compiler
// License Agreement available at the following URL:
// http://www.ibm.com/research/jikes.
// Copyright (C) 1996, 1998, International Business Machines Corporation
// and others. All Rights Reserved.
// You must accept the terms of that agreement to use this software.
#include "config.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include "semantic.h"
#include "control.h"
void Semantic::ProcessBlockStatements(AstBlock *block_body)
// An empty block that is not a switch block can complete normally
// iff it is reachable. A nonempty block that is not a switch
// block can complete normally iff the last statement in it can
// complete normally.
if (block_body -> NumStatements() == 0)
block_body -> can_complete_normally = block_body -> is_reachable;
// The first statement in a nonempty block that is not a
// switch block is reachable iff the block is reachable.
// Every other statement S in a nonempty block that is not a
// switch block is reachable iff the statement preceeding S
// can complete normally.
AstStatement *statement = (AstStatement *) block_body -> Statement(0);
statement -> is_reachable = block_body -> is_reachable;
AstStatement *first_unreachable_statement = (AstStatement *) (statement -> is_reachable ? NULL : statement);
for (int i = 1; i < block_body -> NumStatements(); i++)
AstStatement *previous_statement = statement;
statement = (AstStatement *) block_body -> Statement(i);
statement -> is_reachable = previous_statement -> can_complete_normally;
if (! statement -> is_reachable && (first_unreachable_statement == NULL))
first_unreachable_statement = statement;
if (statement -> can_complete_normally)
block_body -> can_complete_normally = true;
// If we have one or more unreachable statements that are contained in a
// reachable block then issue message. (If the enclosing block is not reachable
// the message will be issued later for the enclosing block.)
if (first_unreachable_statement && LocalBlockStack().TopBlock() -> is_reachable)
if (first_unreachable_statement == statement)
statement -> LeftToken(),
statement -> RightToken());
first_unreachable_statement -> LeftToken(),
statement -> RightToken());
// If an enclosed block has a higher max_variable_index than the current block,
// update max_variable_index in the current_block, accordingly.
BlockSymbol *block = block_body -> block_symbol;
if (block -> max_variable_index < LocalBlockStack().TopMaxEnclosedVariableIndex())
block -> max_variable_index = LocalBlockStack().TopMaxEnclosedVariableIndex();
void Semantic::ProcessBlock(Ast *stmt)
AstBlock *block_body = (AstBlock *) stmt;
AstBlock *enclosing_block = LocalBlockStack().TopBlock();
// Guess that the number of elements will not exceed the number of statements + 3. The +3 takes into account
// one label + one ForInit declaration and one extra something else.
int table_size = block_body -> NumStatements() + 3;
BlockSymbol *block = LocalSymbolTable().Top() -> InsertBlockSymbol(table_size);
// enclosing_block is not present only when we are processing the block of a static initializer
block -> max_variable_index = (enclosing_block ? enclosing_block -> block_symbol -> max_variable_index : 1);
LocalSymbolTable().Push(block -> Table());
block_body -> block_symbol = block;
block_body -> nesting_level = LocalBlockStack().Size();
// Note that in constructing the Ast, the parser encloses each
// labeled statement in its own block. Therefore the declaration
// of this label will not conflict with the declaration of another
// label with the same name declared at the same nesting level.
// For example, the following sequence of statements is legal:
// l: a = b;
// l: b = c;
if (block_body -> label_token_opt)
NameSymbol *name_symbol = (NameSymbol *) lex_stream -> NameSymbol(block_body -> label_token_opt);
Symbol *symbol = LocalSymbolTable().FindLabelSymbol(name_symbol);
if (symbol)
block_body -> label_token_opt,
block_body -> label_token_opt,
name_symbol -> Name());
LabelSymbol *label = LocalSymbolTable().Top() -> InsertLabelSymbol(name_symbol);
label -> block = block_body;
label -> nesting_level = block_body -> nesting_level;
// Update the information for the block that immediately encloses the current block.
if (enclosing_block)
if (LocalBlockStack().TopMaxEnclosedVariableIndex() < block -> max_variable_index)
LocalBlockStack().TopMaxEnclosedVariableIndex() = block -> max_variable_index;
block -> CompressSpace(); // space optimization
void Semantic::ProcessLocalVariableDeclarationStatement(Ast *stmt)
AstLocalVariableDeclarationStatement *local_decl = (AstLocalVariableDeclarationStatement *) stmt;
AstArrayType *array_type = local_decl -> type -> ArrayTypeCast();
Ast *actual_type = (array_type ? array_type -> type : local_decl -> type);
if ((! control.option.one_one) && local_decl -> NumLocalModifiers() > 0)
local_decl -> LocalModifier(0) -> LeftToken(),
local_decl -> LocalModifier(local_decl -> NumLocalModifiers() - 1) -> RightToken());
AccessFlags access_flags = ProcessLocalModifiers(local_decl);
AstPrimitiveType *primitive_type = actual_type -> PrimitiveTypeCast();
TypeSymbol *field_type = (primitive_type ? field_type = FindPrimitiveType(primitive_type) : MustFindType(actual_type));
for (int i = 0; i < local_decl -> NumVariableDeclarators(); i++)
AstVariableDeclarator *variable_declarator = local_decl -> VariableDeclarator(i);
AstVariableDeclaratorId *name = variable_declarator -> variable_declarator_name;
NameSymbol *name_symbol = (NameSymbol *) lex_stream -> NameSymbol(name -> identifier_token);
// TODO: Confirm that this new test is indeed the case. In 1.0, only the more restricted test below was necessary.
// if (LocalSymbolTable().FindVariableSymbol(name_symbol))
// {
// name -> identifier_token,
// name -> identifier_token,
// name_symbol -> Name());
// }
SemanticEnvironment *where_found;
Tuple<VariableSymbol *> variables_found(2);
SearchForVariableInEnvironment(variables_found, where_found, state_stack.Top(), name_symbol, name -> identifier_token);
VariableSymbol *symbol = (variables_found.Length() > 0 ? variables_found[0] : (VariableSymbol *) NULL);
if (symbol && symbol -> IsLocal())
name -> identifier_token,
name -> identifier_token,
name_symbol -> Name());
symbol = LocalSymbolTable().Top() -> InsertVariableSymbol(name_symbol);
variable_declarator -> symbol = symbol;
int num_dimensions = (array_type ? array_type -> NumBrackets() : 0) + name -> NumBrackets();
if (num_dimensions == 0)
symbol -> SetType(field_type);
else symbol -> SetType(field_type -> GetArrayType((Semantic *) this, num_dimensions));
symbol -> SetFlags(access_flags);
symbol -> SetOwner(ThisMethod());
symbol -> declarator = variable_declarator;
BlockSymbol *block = LocalBlockStack().TopBlock() -> block_symbol;
symbol -> SetLocalVariableIndex(block -> max_variable_index++); // Assigning a local_variable_index to a variable
// also marks it complete as a side-effect.
if (symbol -> Type() == control.long_type || symbol -> Type() == control.double_type)
block -> max_variable_index++;
if (variable_declarator -> variable_initializer_opt)
// A local variable declaration statement can complete normally
// iff it is reachable.
local_decl -> can_complete_normally = local_decl -> is_reachable;
void Semantic::ProcessExpressionStatement(Ast *stmt)
AstExpressionStatement *expression_statement = (AstExpressionStatement *) stmt;
ProcessExpression(expression_statement -> expression);
// An expression statement can complete normally iff it is reachable.
expression_statement -> can_complete_normally = expression_statement -> is_reachable;
void Semantic::ProcessSynchronizedStatement(Ast *stmt)
AstSynchronizedStatement *synchronized_statement = (AstSynchronizedStatement *) stmt;
ProcessExpression(synchronized_statement -> expression);
synchronized_statement -> block -> is_reachable = synchronized_statement -> is_reachable;
if (synchronized_statement -> expression -> Type() -> Primitive())
synchronized_statement -> expression -> LeftToken(),
synchronized_statement -> expression -> RightToken(),
synchronized_statement -> expression -> Type() -> Name());
AstBlock *enclosing_block = LocalBlockStack().TopBlock(),
*block_body = synchronized_statement -> block;
// Guess that the number of elements will not exceed the number of statements + 3.
BlockSymbol *block = LocalSymbolTable().Top() -> InsertBlockSymbol(block_body -> NumStatements() + 3);
// "synchronized" blocks require two more local variable slots for synchronization,
// plus one extra variable slot if the containing method returns a value, plus an
// additional slot if the value returned is double or long.
block -> synchronized_variable_index = enclosing_block -> block_symbol -> max_variable_index;
block -> max_variable_index = block -> synchronized_variable_index + 2;
if (ThisMethod() -> Type() == control.double_type || ThisMethod() -> Type() == control.long_type)
block -> max_variable_index += 2;
else if (ThisMethod() -> Type() != control.void_type)
block -> max_variable_index++;
LocalSymbolTable().Push(block -> Table());
block_body -> block_symbol = block;
block_body -> nesting_level = LocalBlockStack().Size();
if (LocalBlockStack().TopMaxEnclosedVariableIndex() < block -> max_variable_index)
LocalBlockStack().TopMaxEnclosedVariableIndex() = block -> max_variable_index;
// If the synchronized_statement is enclosed in a loop and it contains a reachable continue statement
// then it may have already been marked as "can complete normally";
synchronized_statement -> can_complete_normally = synchronized_statement -> can_complete_normally ||
synchronized_statement -> block -> can_complete_normally;
block -> CompressSpace(); // space optimization
void Semantic::ProcessIfStatement(Ast *stmt)
AstIfStatement *if_statement = (AstIfStatement *) stmt;
ProcessExpression(if_statement -> expression);
if (if_statement -> expression -> Type() != control.no_type &&
if_statement -> expression -> Type() != control.boolean_type)
if_statement -> expression -> LeftToken(),
if_statement -> expression -> RightToken(),
if_statement -> expression -> Type() -> Name());
// Recall that the parser ensures that the statements that appear in an if-statement
// (both the true and false statement) are enclosed in a block.
if_statement -> true_statement -> is_reachable = if_statement -> is_reachable;
ProcessBlock(if_statement -> true_statement);
if (if_statement -> false_statement_opt)
if_statement -> false_statement_opt -> is_reachable = if_statement -> is_reachable;
ProcessBlock(if_statement -> false_statement_opt);
// If the if_statement is enclosed in a loop and it contains a reachable continue statement
// then it may have already been marked as "can complete normally";
if_statement -> can_complete_normally = if_statement -> can_complete_normally ||
if_statement -> true_statement -> can_complete_normally ||
if_statement -> false_statement_opt -> can_complete_normally;
else if_statement -> can_complete_normally = if_statement -> is_reachable;
void Semantic::ProcessWhileStatement(Ast *stmt)
AstWhileStatement *while_statement = (AstWhileStatement *) stmt;
// Recall that each while statement is enclosed in a unique block by the parser
AstStatement *enclosed_statement = while_statement -> statement;
enclosed_statement -> is_reachable = while_statement -> is_reachable;
ProcessExpression(while_statement -> expression);
if (while_statement -> expression -> Type() == control.boolean_type)
if (while_statement -> expression -> IsConstant())
IntLiteralValue *literal = (IntLiteralValue *) while_statement -> expression -> value;
if (! literal -> value)
if (while_statement -> is_reachable)
while_statement -> can_complete_normally = true;
enclosed_statement -> is_reachable = false;
else if (while_statement -> is_reachable)
while_statement -> can_complete_normally = true;
else if (while_statement -> expression -> Type() != control.no_type)
while_statement -> expression -> LeftToken(),
while_statement -> expression -> RightToken(),
while_statement -> expression -> Type() -> Name());
if ((! enclosed_statement -> is_reachable) && (while_statement -> is_reachable))
AstBlock *block_body = enclosed_statement -> BlockCast();
if (! block_body || (block_body -> NumStatements() == 0))
enclosed_statement -> LeftToken(),
enclosed_statement -> RightToken());
// If the while statement contained a reachable break statement,
// then the while statement can complete normally. It is marked
// here only for completeness, as marking the enclosing block is
// enough to propagate the proper information upward.
AstBlock *block_body = (AstBlock *) BreakableStatementStack().Top();
if (block_body -> can_complete_normally)
while_statement -> can_complete_normally = true;
void Semantic::ProcessForStatement(Ast *stmt)
AstForStatement *for_statement = (AstForStatement *) stmt;
// Note that in constructing the Ast, the parser encloses each
// for-statement whose for-init-statements starts with a local
// variable declaration in its own block. Therefore a redeclaration
// of another local variable with the same name in a different loop
// at the same nesting level will not cause any conflict.
// For example, the following sequence of statements is legal:
// for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++);
// for (int i = 10; i < 20; i++);
for (int i = 0; i < for_statement -> NumForInitStatements(); i++)
ProcessStatement(for_statement -> ForInitStatement(i));
// Recall that each for statement is enclosed in a unique block by the parser
// Assume that if the for_statement is reachable then its
// contained statement is also reachable. If it turns out that the
// condition (end) expression is a constant FALSE expression we will
// change the assumption...
AstStatement *enclosed_statement = for_statement -> statement;
enclosed_statement -> is_reachable = for_statement -> is_reachable;
if (for_statement -> end_expression_opt)
ProcessExpression(for_statement -> end_expression_opt);
if (for_statement -> end_expression_opt -> Type() == control.boolean_type)
if (for_statement -> end_expression_opt -> IsConstant())
IntLiteralValue *literal = (IntLiteralValue *) for_statement -> end_expression_opt -> value;
if (! literal -> value)
if (for_statement -> is_reachable)
for_statement -> can_complete_normally = true;
enclosed_statement -> is_reachable = false;
else if (for_statement -> is_reachable)
for_statement -> can_complete_normally = true;
else if (for_statement -> end_expression_opt -> Type() != control.no_type)
for_statement -> end_expression_opt -> LeftToken(),
for_statement -> end_expression_opt -> RightToken(),
for_statement -> end_expression_opt -> Type() -> Name());
if ((! enclosed_statement -> is_reachable) && (for_statement -> is_reachable))
AstBlock *block_body = enclosed_statement -> BlockCast();
if (! block_body || (block_body -> NumStatements() == 0))
enclosed_statement -> LeftToken(),
enclosed_statement -> RightToken());
for (int j = 0; j < for_statement -> NumForUpdateStatements(); j++)
ProcessExpressionStatement(for_statement -> ForUpdateStatement(j));
// If the for statement contained a reachable break statement,
// then the for statement can complete normally. It is marked
// here only for completeness, as marking the enclosing block is
// enough to propagate the proper information upward.
AstBlock *block_body = (AstBlock *) BreakableStatementStack().Top();
if (block_body -> can_complete_normally)
for_statement -> can_complete_normally = true;
void Semantic::ProcessSwitchStatement(Ast *stmt)
AstSwitchStatement *switch_statement = (AstSwitchStatement *) stmt;
AstBlock *enclosing_block = LocalBlockStack().TopBlock();
// We estimate a size for the switch symbol table based on the number of lines in it.
AstBlock *block_body = switch_statement -> switch_block;
BlockSymbol *block = LocalSymbolTable().Top() -> InsertBlockSymbol();
block -> max_variable_index = enclosing_block -> block_symbol -> max_variable_index;
LocalSymbolTable().Push(block -> Table());
block_body -> block_symbol = block;
block_body -> nesting_level = LocalBlockStack().Size();
ProcessExpression(switch_statement -> expression);
TypeSymbol *type = switch_statement -> expression -> Type();
if (type != control.int_type && type != control.short_type &&
type != control.char_type && type != control.byte_type && type != control.no_type)
switch_statement -> expression -> LeftToken(),
switch_statement -> expression -> RightToken(),
type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(),
type -> ExternalName());
switch_statement -> default_case.switch_block_statement = NULL;
// A switch block is reachable iff its switch statement is reachable.
block_body -> is_reachable = switch_statement -> is_reachable;
for (int i = 0; i < block_body -> NumStatements(); i++)
AstSwitchBlockStatement *switch_block_statement = (AstSwitchBlockStatement *) block_body -> Statement(i);
for (int j = 0; j < switch_block_statement -> NumSwitchLabels(); j++)
AstCaseLabel *case_label;
if (case_label = switch_block_statement -> SwitchLabel(j) -> CaseLabelCast())
ProcessExpression(case_label -> expression);
if (CanAssignmentConvert(type, case_label -> expression))
if (! case_label -> expression -> IsConstant())
case_label -> expression -> LeftToken(),
case_label -> expression -> RightToken());
case_label -> expression -> symbol = control.no_type;
else if (case_label -> expression -> Type() != control.no_type)
if (case_label -> expression -> Type() != type && type != control.no_type)
case_label -> expression = ConvertToType(case_label -> expression, type);
case_label -> map_index = switch_statement -> map.Length();
CaseElement *case_element = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenCaseElement();
switch_statement -> map.Next() = case_element;
case_element -> expression = case_label -> expression;
case_element -> switch_block_statement = switch_block_statement;
case_element -> index = case_label -> map_index; // use this index to keep sort stable !
case_label -> expression -> LeftToken(),
case_label -> expression -> RightToken(),
type -> Name());
else if (switch_statement -> default_case.switch_block_statement == NULL)
switch_statement -> default_case.switch_block_statement = switch_block_statement;
((AstDefaultLabel *) switch_block_statement -> SwitchLabel(j)) -> LeftToken(),
((AstDefaultLabel *) switch_block_statement -> SwitchLabel(j)) -> RightToken());
if (switch_block_statement -> NumStatements() > 0)
// A statement in a switch block is reachable iff its
// switch statement is reachable and at least one of the
// following is true:
// . it bears a case or default label
// . there is a statement preceeding it in the switch block and that
// preceeding statement can compile normally.
AstStatement *statement = (AstStatement *) switch_block_statement -> Statement(0);
statement -> is_reachable = switch_statement -> is_reachable;
AstStatement *first_unreachable_statement = (AstStatement *) (statement -> is_reachable ? NULL : statement);
for (int j = 1; j < switch_block_statement -> NumStatements(); j++)
AstStatement *previous_statement = statement;
statement = (AstStatement *) switch_block_statement -> Statement(j);
if (switch_statement -> is_reachable)
statement -> is_reachable = previous_statement -> can_complete_normally;
if ((! statement -> is_reachable) && (first_unreachable_statement == NULL))
first_unreachable_statement = statement;
if (first_unreachable_statement)
if (first_unreachable_statement == statement)
statement -> LeftToken(),
statement -> RightToken());
first_unreachable_statement -> LeftToken(),
statement -> RightToken());
// A switch statement can complete normally iff at least one of the
// following is true:
// . there is a reachable break statement that exits the switch
// statement. (See ProcessBreakStatement)
// . the switch block is empty or contains only switch labels
// //
// // TODO: This statement seems to be erroneous. The proper statement
// // as implemented here is:
// //
// // . the switch block is empty or contains only case labels
// //
// . there is at least one switch label after the last switch block
// statement group.
// . the last statement in the switch block can complete normally
if (block_body -> can_complete_normally)
switch_statement -> can_complete_normally = true;
else if (switch_statement -> default_case.switch_block_statement == NULL)
switch_statement -> can_complete_normally = true;
int last_index = block_body -> NumStatements() - 1;
AstSwitchBlockStatement *last_switch_block_statement =
(AstSwitchBlockStatement *) block_body -> Statement(last_index);
// Last switch block statement contains only switch labels.
if (last_switch_block_statement -> NumStatements() == 0)
switch_statement -> can_complete_normally = true;
// Last switch block statement contains only switch statements
AstStatement *last_statement =
(AstStatement *) last_switch_block_statement -> Statement(last_switch_block_statement -> NumStatements() - 1);
if (last_statement -> can_complete_normally)
switch_statement -> can_complete_normally = true;
switch_statement -> SortCases();
for (int k = 1; k < switch_statement -> map.Length(); k++)
if (switch_statement -> map[k] -> Value() == switch_statement -> map[k - 1] -> Value())
wchar_t info[12],
*str = &info[11];
int n = switch_statement -> map[k] -> Value();
bool negative = (n < 0);
if (negative)
n = -n;
*str = U_NULL;
*--str = (U_0 + n % 10);
n /= 10;
} while (n != 0);
if (negative)
*--str = '-';
switch_statement -> map[k] -> expression -> LeftToken(),
switch_statement -> map[k] -> expression -> RightToken(),
// If an enclosed block has a higher max_variable_index than the current block,
// update max_variable_index in the current_block, accordingly.
// Also, update the information for the block that immediately encloses the current block.
if (block -> max_variable_index < LocalBlockStack().TopMaxEnclosedVariableIndex())
block -> max_variable_index = LocalBlockStack().TopMaxEnclosedVariableIndex();
if (enclosing_block)
if (LocalBlockStack().TopMaxEnclosedVariableIndex() < block -> max_variable_index)
LocalBlockStack().TopMaxEnclosedVariableIndex() = block -> max_variable_index;
block -> CompressSpace(); // space optimization
void Semantic::ProcessDoStatement(Ast *stmt)
AstDoStatement *do_statement = (AstDoStatement *) stmt;
// Recall that each Do statement is enclosed in a unique block by the parser
AstStatement *enclosed_statement = do_statement -> statement;
enclosed_statement -> is_reachable = do_statement -> is_reachable;
ProcessExpression(do_statement -> expression);
IntLiteralValue *literal = NULL;
if (do_statement -> expression -> Type() == control.boolean_type)
if (do_statement -> expression -> IsConstant())
literal = (IntLiteralValue *) do_statement -> expression -> value;
else if (do_statement -> expression -> Type() != control.no_type)
do_statement -> expression -> LeftToken(),
do_statement -> expression -> RightToken(),
do_statement -> expression -> Type() -> Name());
// A do statement can complete normally, iff at least one of the following is true:
// 1. The contained statement can complete normally and the condition expression
// is not a constant expression with the value true
// 2. There is a reachable break statement that exits the do statement
// (This condition is true is the block that immediately encloses this do statement
// can complete normally. See ProcessBreakStatement)
AstBlock *block_body = (AstBlock *) BreakableStatementStack().Top();
do_statement -> can_complete_normally = (enclosed_statement -> can_complete_normally && ((! literal) || literal -> value == 0)) ||
block_body -> can_complete_normally;
void Semantic::ProcessBreakStatement(Ast *stmt)
AstBreakStatement *break_statement = (AstBreakStatement *) stmt;
// Recall that it is possible to break out of any labeled statement even if it is not a
// do, for, while or switch statement.
if (break_statement -> identifier_token_opt)
NameSymbol *name_symbol = (NameSymbol *) lex_stream -> NameSymbol(break_statement -> identifier_token_opt);
LabelSymbol *label_symbol = LocalSymbolTable().FindLabelSymbol(name_symbol);
if (label_symbol)
break_statement -> nesting_level = label_symbol -> nesting_level;
AstBlock *block_body = label_symbol -> block;
// A labeled statement can complete normally if there is a
// reachable break statement that exits the labeled statement.
if (block_body && break_statement -> is_reachable)
block_body -> can_complete_normally = true;
AstBlock *block_body = (AstBlock *) LocalBlockStack().TopBlock();
break_statement -> nesting_level = block_body -> nesting_level;
break_statement -> identifier_token_opt,
break_statement -> identifier_token_opt,
lex_stream -> Name(break_statement -> identifier_token_opt));
AstBlock *block_body = (AstBlock *) (BreakableStatementStack().Size() > 0 ? BreakableStatementStack().Top()
: LocalBlockStack().TopBlock());
break_statement -> nesting_level = block_body -> nesting_level;
if (BreakableStatementStack().Size() > 0)
if (break_statement -> is_reachable)
block_body -> can_complete_normally = true;
else ReportSemError(SemanticError::MISPLACED_BREAK_STATEMENT,
break_statement -> LeftToken(),
break_statement -> RightToken());
void Semantic::ProcessContinueStatement(Ast *stmt)
AstContinueStatement *continue_statement = (AstContinueStatement *) stmt;
// The loop statement that is to be continued.
Ast *loop_statement = NULL;
if (ContinuableStatementStack().Size() <= 0)
continue_statement -> LeftToken(),
continue_statement -> RightToken());
else if (continue_statement -> identifier_token_opt)
NameSymbol *name_symbol = (NameSymbol *) lex_stream -> NameSymbol(continue_statement -> identifier_token_opt);
LabelSymbol *label_symbol = LocalSymbolTable().FindLabelSymbol(name_symbol);
if (label_symbol)
continue_statement -> nesting_level = label_symbol -> nesting_level;
assert(label_symbol -> block -> NumStatements() > 0);
loop_statement = label_symbol -> block -> Statement(0);
AstBlock *block_body = (AstBlock *) LocalBlockStack().TopBlock();
continue_statement -> nesting_level = block_body -> nesting_level;
continue_statement -> identifier_token_opt,
continue_statement -> identifier_token_opt,
lex_stream -> Name(continue_statement -> identifier_token_opt));
AstBlock *block_body = (AstBlock *) ContinuableStatementStack().Top();
loop_statement = block_body -> Statement(0);
continue_statement -> nesting_level = block_body -> nesting_level;
// If this is a valid continue statement, it is associated with a loop statement.
// Since the loop can be continued, its enclosed statement "can complete normally".
if (loop_statement)
AstDoStatement *do_statement = loop_statement -> DoStatementCast();
AstForStatement *for_statement = loop_statement -> ForStatementCast();
AstWhileStatement *while_statement = loop_statement -> WhileStatementCast();
AstStatement *enclosed_statement = (do_statement ? do_statement -> statement
: (for_statement ? for_statement -> statement
: (while_statement ? while_statement -> statement
: NULL)));
if (enclosed_statement)
enclosed_statement -> can_complete_normally = true;
assert(continue_statement -> identifier_token_opt);
continue_statement -> LeftToken(),
continue_statement -> RightToken(),
lex_stream -> Name(continue_statement -> identifier_token_opt));
void Semantic::ProcessReturnStatement(Ast *stmt)
AstReturnStatement *return_statement = (AstReturnStatement *) stmt;
MethodSymbol *this_method = ThisMethod();
if (this_method -> name_symbol == control.clinit_name_symbol || this_method -> name_symbol == control.block_init_name_symbol)
return_statement -> LeftToken(),
return_statement -> RightToken());
else if (return_statement -> expression_opt)
ProcessExpression(return_statement -> expression_opt);
if (this_method -> Type() == control.void_type)
return_statement -> LeftToken(),
return_statement -> RightToken());
else if (return_statement -> expression_opt -> Type() != control.no_type)
if (! CanAssignmentConvert(this_method -> Type(), return_statement -> expression_opt))
return_statement -> expression_opt -> LeftToken(),
return_statement -> expression_opt -> RightToken(),
return_statement -> expression_opt -> Type() -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(),
return_statement -> expression_opt -> Type() -> ExternalName(),
this_method -> Type() -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(),
this_method -> Type() -> ExternalName());
else if (this_method -> Type() != control.void_type)
return_statement -> LeftToken(),
return_statement -> RightToken());
bool Semantic::CatchableException(TypeSymbol *exception)
// An unchecked exception or an error is ok !!
if (! CheckedException(exception) || exception == control.no_type)
return true;
// Firstly, check the stack of try statements to see if the exception in question is catchable.
for (int i = TryStatementStack().Size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
AstTryStatement *try_statement = (AstTryStatement *) TryStatementStack()[i];
// If a try statement contains a finally clause that can complete abruptly
// then any exception that can reach it is assumed to be catchable.
// See Spec 11.3.
if (try_statement -> finally_clause_opt && (! try_statement -> finally_clause_opt -> block -> can_complete_normally))
return true;
// Check each catch clause in turn.
for (int k = 0; k < try_statement -> NumCatchClauses(); k++)
AstCatchClause *clause = try_statement -> CatchClause(k);
VariableSymbol *symbol = clause -> parameter_symbol;
if (CanAssignmentConvertReference(symbol -> Type(), exception))
return true;
// If we are processing the initialization expression of a field,
// ThisMethod() is not defined.
MethodSymbol *this_method = ThisMethod();
if (this_method)
for (int l = this_method -> NumThrows() - 1; l >= 0; l--)
if (CanAssignmentConvertReference(this_method -> Throws(l), exception))
return true;
if (this_method -> NumInitializerConstructors() > 0)
int j;
for (j = this_method -> NumInitializerConstructors() - 1; j >= 0; j--)
MethodSymbol *method = this_method -> InitializerConstructor(j);
int k;
for (k = method -> NumThrows() - 1; k >= 0; k--)
if (CanAssignmentConvertReference(method -> Throws(k), exception))
if (k < 0) // no hit was found in method.
return false;
if (j < 0) // all the relevant constructors can catch the exception
return true;
return false;
void Semantic::ProcessThrowStatement(Ast *stmt)
AstThrowStatement *throw_statement = (AstThrowStatement *) stmt;
ProcessExpression(throw_statement -> expression);
TypeSymbol *type = throw_statement -> expression -> Type();
if (type != control.no_type && (! CanAssignmentConvertReference(control.Throwable(), type)))
throw_statement -> LeftToken(),
throw_statement -> RightToken());
SymbolSet *exception_set = TryExceptionTableStack().Top();
if (exception_set)
exception_set -> AddElement(type);
if (! CatchableException(type))
MethodSymbol *this_method = ThisMethod();
MethodSymbol *method = (this_method && this_method -> Identity() != control.clinit_name_symbol
&& this_method -> Identity() != control.block_init_name_symbol
? this_method
: (MethodSymbol *) NULL);
if (TryStatementStack().Size() > 0)
throw_statement -> LeftToken(),
throw_statement -> RightToken(),
type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(),
type -> ExternalName(),
(method ? method -> Header() : StringConstant::US_EMPTY));
else if (method)
throw_statement -> LeftToken(),
throw_statement -> RightToken(),
type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(),
type -> ExternalName(),
method -> Header());
else ReportSemError(SemanticError::BAD_THROWABLE_EXPRESSION,
throw_statement -> LeftToken(),
throw_statement -> RightToken(),
type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(),
type -> ExternalName());
void Semantic::ProcessTryStatement(Ast *stmt)
AstTryStatement *try_statement = (AstTryStatement *) stmt;
// A try_statement containing a finally clause requires some extra local
// variables in its immediately enclosing block. If it is enclosed in a method
// that returns void then 2 extra elements are needed. If the method
// returns a long or a double value, two additional elements are needed.
// Otherwise, one additional element is needed.
// If this try_statement is the first try_statement with a finally clause
// that was encountered in the immediately enclosing block, we allocate
// two extra slots for the special local variables.
AstBlock *enclosing_block = LocalBlockStack().TopBlock();
if (try_statement -> finally_clause_opt)
BlockSymbol *block = enclosing_block -> block_symbol;
if (block -> try_variable_index == 0) // first try_statement encountered in enclosing block?
block -> try_variable_index = block -> max_variable_index;
block -> max_variable_index += 2;
if (ThisMethod() -> Type() != control.void_type)
if (control.IsDoubleWordType(ThisMethod() -> Type()))
block -> max_variable_index += 2;
else block -> max_variable_index += 1;
// A finally block is processed in the environment of its immediate enclosing block.
// (as opposed to the environment of its associated try block).
// Note that the finally block must be processed prior to the other
// blocks in the try statement, because the computation of whether or not
// an exception is catchable in a try statement depends on the termination
// status of the associated finally block. See CatchableException function.
AstBlock *block_body = try_statement -> finally_clause_opt -> block;
block_body -> is_reachable = try_statement -> is_reachable;
// Note that the catch clauses are processed first - prior to processing
// the main block - so that we can have their parameters available when we
// are processing the main block, in case that block contains a throw
// statement. See ProcessThrowStatement for more information.
// Also, recall that the body of the catch blocks must not be
// processed within the environment of the associated try whose
// exceptions they are supposed to catch but within the immediate enclosing
// block (which may itself be a try block).
for (int i = 0; i < try_statement -> NumCatchClauses(); i++)
AstCatchClause *clause = try_statement -> CatchClause(i);
AstFormalParameter *parameter = clause -> formal_parameter;
TypeSymbol *parm_type;
if (parameter -> type -> PrimitiveTypeCast())
parameter -> LeftToken(),
parameter -> RightToken());
parm_type = control.Error();
else if (parameter -> type -> ArrayTypeCast())
parameter -> LeftToken(),
parameter -> RightToken());
parm_type = control.Error();
else parm_type = MustFindType(parameter -> type);
if (! parm_type -> IsSubclass(control.Throwable()))
parameter -> LeftToken(),
parameter -> RightToken(),
parm_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(),
parm_type -> ExternalName());
AstVariableDeclaratorId *name = parameter -> variable_declarator_name;
NameSymbol *name_symbol = (NameSymbol *) lex_stream -> NameSymbol(name -> identifier_token);
if (LocalSymbolTable().FindVariableSymbol(name_symbol))
name -> identifier_token,
name -> identifier_token,
name_symbol -> Name());
AstBlock *block_body = clause -> block;
// Guess that the number of elements in the table will not exceed the number of statements + the clause parameter.
BlockSymbol *block = LocalSymbolTable().Top() -> InsertBlockSymbol(block_body -> NumStatements() + 1);
block -> max_variable_index = enclosing_block -> block_symbol -> max_variable_index;
LocalSymbolTable().Push(block -> Table());
if ((! control.option.one_one) && parameter -> NumParameterModifiers() > 0)
parameter -> ParameterModifier(0) -> LeftToken(),
parameter -> ParameterModifier(0) -> RightToken());
AccessFlags access_flags = ProcessFormalModifiers(parameter);
VariableSymbol *symbol = LocalSymbolTable().Top() -> InsertVariableSymbol(name_symbol);
symbol -> SetFlags(access_flags);
symbol -> SetType(parm_type);
symbol -> SetOwner(ThisMethod());
symbol -> SetLocalVariableIndex(block -> max_variable_index++);
symbol -> declarator = parameter -> variable_declarator_name;
clause -> parameter_symbol = symbol;
// Note that for the purpose of semantic checking we assume that
// the body of the catch block is reachable. Whether or not the catch
// statement can be executed at all is checked later.
block_body -> is_reachable = true;
block_body -> block_symbol = block;
block_body -> nesting_level = LocalBlockStack().Size();
// Update the information for the block that immediately encloses the current block.
if (LocalBlockStack().TopMaxEnclosedVariableIndex() < block -> max_variable_index)
LocalBlockStack().TopMaxEnclosedVariableIndex() = block -> max_variable_index;
// If a catch clause block can complete normally, we assume
// that the try statement can complete normally. This may
// prove to be false later if we find out that the finally
// clause cannot complete normally...
if (block_body -> can_complete_normally)
try_statement -> can_complete_normally = true;
block -> CompressSpace(); // space optimization
SymbolSet *exception_set = new SymbolSet;
try_statement -> block -> is_reachable = try_statement -> is_reachable;
ProcessBlock(try_statement -> block);
if (try_statement -> block -> can_complete_normally)
try_statement -> can_complete_normally = true;
// A catch block is reachable iff both of the following are true:
// . Some expression or throw statement in the try block is reachable
// and can throw an exception that is assignable to the parameter
// of the catch clause C.
// . There is no earlier catch block A in the try statement such that the
// type of C's parameter is the same as or a subclass of the type of A's
// parameter.
for (int l = 0; l < try_statement -> NumCatchClauses(); l++)
AstCatchClause *clause = try_statement -> CatchClause(l);
VariableSymbol *symbol = clause -> parameter_symbol;
if (CheckedException(symbol -> Type()))
TypeSymbol *exception;
for (exception = (TypeSymbol *) exception_set -> FirstElement();
exception = (TypeSymbol *) exception_set -> NextElement())
if (CanAssignmentConvertReference(symbol -> Type(), exception) ||
CanAssignmentConvertReference(exception, symbol -> Type()))
AstCatchClause *previous_clause;
int k;
for (k = 0; k < l; k++)
previous_clause = try_statement -> CatchClause(k);
if (symbol -> Type() -> IsSubclass(previous_clause -> parameter_symbol -> Type()))
if (! exception) // no assignable exception was found
clause -> formal_parameter -> LeftToken(),
clause -> formal_parameter -> RightToken(),
symbol -> Type() -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(),
symbol -> Type() -> ExternalName());
else if (k < l)
FileLocation loc(lex_stream, previous_clause -> formal_parameter -> variable_declarator_name -> identifier_token);
clause -> formal_parameter -> LeftToken(),
clause -> formal_parameter -> RightToken(),
symbol -> Type() -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(),
symbol -> Type() -> ExternalName(),
else clause -> block -> is_reachable = true;
if (TryExceptionTableStack().Top())
TryExceptionTableStack().Top() -> Union(*exception_set);
delete exception_set;
// A try statement cannot complete normally if it contains a finally
// clause that cannot complete normally.
if (try_statement -> finally_clause_opt && (! try_statement -> finally_clause_opt -> block -> can_complete_normally))
try_statement -> can_complete_normally = false;
void Semantic::ProcessEmptyStatement(Ast *stmt)
AstEmptyStatement *empty_statement = (AstEmptyStatement *) stmt;
// An empty statement can complete normally iff it is reachable.
empty_statement -> can_complete_normally = empty_statement -> is_reachable;
TypeSymbol *Semantic::GetLocalType(AstClassDeclaration *class_declaration)
NameSymbol *name_symbol = (NameSymbol *) lex_stream -> NameSymbol(class_declaration -> identifier_token);
TypeSymbol *type = LocalSymbolTable().Top() -> InsertNestedTypeSymbol(name_symbol);
TypeSymbol *outermost_type = ThisType() -> outermost_type;
if (! outermost_type -> local)
outermost_type -> local = new SymbolSet;
int num = outermost_type -> local -> NameCount(name_symbol) + 1;
wchar_t str[11],
*p = &str[10];
*p = U_NULL;
*p = U_0 + (num % 10);
num /= 10;
} while (num > 0);
int length = wcslen(p) + outermost_type -> NameLength() + 1 + name_symbol -> NameLength() + 1; // +1 for $,... +1 for $
wchar_t *external_name = new wchar_t[length + 1]; // +1 for '\0';
wcscpy(external_name, outermost_type -> Name());
wcscat(external_name, StringConstant::US__DS_);
wcscat(external_name, p);
wcscat(external_name, StringConstant::US__DS_);
wcscat(external_name, name_symbol -> Name());
type -> SetACC_PRIVATE();
type -> outermost_type = outermost_type;
type -> SetExternalIdentity(control.FindOrInsertName(external_name, length));
outermost_type -> local -> AddElement(type);
delete [] external_name;
return type;
void Semantic::ProcessClassDeclaration(Ast *stmt)
AstClassDeclaration *class_declaration = (AstClassDeclaration *) stmt;
AstClassBody *class_body = class_declaration -> class_body;
class_declaration -> MarkLocal(); // identify class as "statement" and assert that it is "reachable" and "can_complete_normally"
if (! control.option.one_one)
class_declaration -> LeftToken(),
class_declaration -> RightToken());
CheckNestedTypeDuplication(state_stack.Top(), class_declaration -> identifier_token);
NameSymbol *name_symbol = (NameSymbol *) lex_stream -> NameSymbol(class_declaration -> identifier_token);
TypeSymbol *inner_type = GetLocalType(class_declaration);
inner_type -> outermost_type = ThisType() -> outermost_type;
inner_type -> supertypes_closure = new SymbolSet;
inner_type -> subtypes_closure = new SymbolSet;
inner_type -> subtypes = new SymbolSet;
inner_type -> semantic_environment = new SemanticEnvironment((Semantic *) this,
inner_type -> declaration = class_declaration;
inner_type -> file_symbol = source_file_symbol;
inner_type -> SetFlags(ProcessLocalClassModifiers(class_declaration));
inner_type -> SetOwner(ThisMethod());
// Add 3 extra elements for padding. May need a default constructor and other support elements.
inner_type -> SetSymbolTable(class_body -> NumClassBodyDeclarations() + 3);
inner_type -> SetLocation();
inner_type -> SetSignature(control);
if (StaticRegion())
inner_type -> SetACC_STATIC();
else inner_type -> InsertThis(0);
class_declaration -> semantic_environment = inner_type -> semantic_environment; // save for processing bodies later.
CheckClassMembers(inner_type, class_body);
ProcessMembers(class_declaration -> semantic_environment, class_body);
CompleteSymbolTable(class_declaration -> semantic_environment, class_declaration -> identifier_token, class_body);
ProcessExecutableBodies(class_declaration -> semantic_environment, class_body);
void Semantic::ProcessThisCall(AstThisCall *this_call)
TypeSymbol *this_type = ThisType(),
*containing_type = this_type -> ContainingType();
ExplicitConstructorInvocation() = this_call; // signal that we are about to process an explicit constructor invocation
if (this_call -> base_opt)
if (! control.option.one_one)
this_call -> base_opt -> LeftToken(),
this_call -> dot_token_opt);
ProcessExpression(this_call -> base_opt);
TypeSymbol *expr_type = this_call -> base_opt -> Type();
if (expr_type != control.no_type)
if (! containing_type)
this_call -> base_opt -> LeftToken(),
this_call -> base_opt -> RightToken(),
this_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(),
this_type -> ExternalName(),
expr_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(),
expr_type -> ExternalName());
this_call -> base_opt -> symbol = control.no_type;
// 1.2 change. In 1.1, we used to allow access to any subclass of type. Now, there must
// be a perfect match.
// else if (! expr_type -> IsSubclass(containing_type))
else if (expr_type != containing_type)
this_call -> base_opt -> LeftToken(),
this_call -> base_opt -> RightToken(),
this_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(),
this_type -> ExternalName(),
containing_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(),
containing_type -> ExternalName(),
expr_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(),
expr_type -> ExternalName());
this_call -> base_opt -> symbol = control.no_type;
else // (! super_call -> base_opt)
if (this_type -> IsInner())
this_call -> base_opt = CreateAccessToType(this_call, containing_type);
bool no_bad_argument = true;
for (int i = 0; i < this_call -> NumArguments(); i++)
AstExpression *expr = (AstExpression *) this_call -> Argument(i);
no_bad_argument = no_bad_argument && (expr -> Type() != control.no_type);
if (no_bad_argument)
MethodSymbol *constructor = FindConstructor(this_type, this_call, this_call -> LeftToken(), this_call -> RightToken());
if (constructor)
this_call -> symbol = constructor;
for (int i = 0; i < this_call -> NumArguments(); i++)
AstExpression *expr = this_call -> Argument(i);
if (expr -> Type() != constructor -> FormalParameter(i) -> Type())
this_call -> Argument(i) = ConvertToType(expr, constructor -> FormalParameter(i) -> Type());
for (int k = constructor -> NumThrows() - 1; k >= 0; k--)
TypeSymbol *exception = constructor -> Throws(k);
if (! CatchableException(exception))
this_call -> this_token,
this_call -> this_token,
exception -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(),
exception -> ExternalName());
if (this_type -> IsLocal()) // a local type may use enclosed local variables?
this_type -> AddLocalConstructorCallEnvironment(GetEnvironment(this_call));
// Note that there is no need to do access-checking as we are allowed,
// within the body of a class, to invoke any other constructor or member
// (private or otherwise) in that class.
ExplicitConstructorInvocation() = NULL; // signal that we are no longer processing an explicit constructor invocation
this_call -> can_complete_normally = this_call -> is_reachable;
void Semantic::ProcessSuperCall(AstSuperCall *super_call)
TypeSymbol *this_type = ThisType();
ExplicitConstructorInvocation() = super_call; // signal that we are about to process an explicit constructor invocation
TypeSymbol *super_type = this_type -> super;
if (! super_type) // this is only possible if we are compiling an illegal Object.java source file.
super_type = control.Object();
if (super_call -> base_opt)
if (! control.option.one_one)
super_call -> base_opt -> LeftToken(),
super_call -> dot_token_opt);
ProcessExpression(super_call -> base_opt);
TypeSymbol *expr_type = super_call -> base_opt -> Type();
if (expr_type != control.no_type)
TypeSymbol *containing_type = super_type -> ContainingType();
if (! containing_type)
super_call -> base_opt -> LeftToken(),
super_call -> base_opt -> RightToken(),
super_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(),
super_type -> ExternalName(),
this_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(),
this_type -> ExternalName(),
expr_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(),
expr_type -> ExternalName());
super_call -> base_opt -> symbol = control.no_type;
// 1.2 change. In 1.1, we used to allow access to any subclass of type. Now, there must
// be a perfect match.
// else if (! expr_type -> IsSubclass(containing_type))
else if (expr_type != containing_type)
super_call -> base_opt -> LeftToken(),
super_call -> base_opt -> RightToken(),
this_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(),
this_type -> ExternalName(),
containing_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(),
containing_type -> ExternalName(),
expr_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(),
expr_type -> ExternalName());
super_call -> base_opt -> symbol = control.no_type;
else // (! super_call -> base_opt)
if (super_type && super_type -> IsInner())
super_call -> base_opt = CreateAccessToType(super_call, super_type -> ContainingType());
bool no_bad_argument = true;
for (int i = 0; i < super_call -> NumArguments(); i++)
AstExpression *expr = (AstExpression *) super_call -> Argument(i);
no_bad_argument = no_bad_argument && (expr -> Type() != control.no_type);
if (this_type == control.Object())
super_call -> symbol = NULL;
super_call -> super_token,
super_call -> super_token);
else if (no_bad_argument)
MethodSymbol *constructor = FindConstructor(super_type, super_call, super_call -> LeftToken(), super_call -> RightToken());
if (constructor)
// No need to do a full access-check. Do the minimal stuff here !
if (constructor -> ACC_PRIVATE())
if (this_type -> outermost_type == super_type -> outermost_type)
// TODO: Awaiting language clarification.
super_call -> LeftToken(),
super_call -> RightToken(),
constructor -> Header());
constructor = TypeSymbol::GetReadAccessMethod(constructor);
super_call -> LeftToken(),
super_call -> RightToken(),
constructor -> Header(),
super_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(),
super_type -> ExternalName());
else if (! (constructor -> ACC_PUBLIC() || constructor -> ACC_PROTECTED()))
if (! (this_type -> outermost_type == super_type -> outermost_type ||
super_type -> ContainingPackage() == this_package))
super_call -> super_token,
super_call -> super_token,
constructor -> Header(),
super_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(),
super_type -> ExternalName());
super_call -> symbol = constructor;
if (super_call -> base_opt &&
(super_call -> base_opt -> Type() != control.no_type) &&
(super_call -> base_opt -> Type() != super_type -> ContainingType()))
assert(CanMethodInvocationConvert(super_type -> ContainingType(), super_call -> base_opt -> Type()));
super_call -> base_opt = ConvertToType(super_call -> base_opt, super_type -> ContainingType());
for (int i = 0; i < super_call -> NumArguments(); i++)
AstExpression *expr = super_call -> Argument(i);
if (expr -> Type() != constructor -> FormalParameter(i) -> Type())
super_call -> Argument(i) = ConvertToType(expr, constructor -> FormalParameter(i) -> Type());
for (int k = constructor -> NumThrows((Semantic *) this, super_call -> super_token) - 1; k >= 0; k--)
TypeSymbol *exception = constructor -> Throws(k);
if (! CatchableException(exception))
super_call -> LeftToken(),
super_call -> RightToken(),
this_type -> Name(),
exception -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(),
exception -> ExternalName(),
constructor -> containing_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(),
constructor -> containing_type -> ExternalName());
if (super_type -> IsLocal()) // a local type may use enclosed local variables?
if (super_type -> LocalClassProcessingCompleted())
for (int i = 1; i < super_type -> NumConstructorParameters(); i++)
VariableSymbol *local = super_type -> ConstructorParameter(i) -> accessed_local;
AstSimpleName *simple_name = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenSimpleName(super_call -> super_token);
this_type -> FindOrInsertLocalShadow(local);
assert(ThisMethod() -> LocalConstructor() && (! ThisMethod() -> IsGeneratedLocalConstructor()));
BlockSymbol *block_symbol = ThisMethod() -> LocalConstructor() -> block_symbol;
simple_name -> symbol = block_symbol -> FindVariableSymbol(local -> Identity());
assert(simple_name -> symbol); // for the time being, we will now process sources with the error below...
// This is possible if the source contains a method that erroneously calls a super class.
if (! simple_name -> symbol)
simple_name -> symbol = control.no_type;
super_call -> AddLocalArgument(simple_name);
assert(constructor -> LocalConstructor() && (! constructor -> IsGeneratedLocalConstructor()));
super_call -> symbol = constructor -> LocalConstructor();
else // are we currently within the body of the type in question ?
super_type -> AddLocalConstructorCallEnvironment(GetEnvironment(super_call));
ExplicitConstructorInvocation() = NULL; // signal that we are no longer processing an explicit constructor invocation
super_call -> can_complete_normally = super_call -> is_reachable;
void Semantic::CheckThrow(AstExpression *throw_expression)
TypeSymbol *throw_type = throw_expression -> symbol -> TypeCast();
if (throw_type -> ACC_INTERFACE())
throw_expression -> LeftToken(),
throw_expression -> RightToken(),
throw_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(),
throw_type -> ExternalName());
else if (! throw_type -> IsSubclass(control.Throwable()))
throw_expression -> LeftToken(),
throw_expression -> RightToken(),
throw_type -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(),
throw_type -> ExternalName());
void Semantic::ProcessMethodBody(AstMethodDeclaration *method_declaration)
MethodSymbol *this_method = ThisMethod();
for (int k = 0; k < method_declaration -> NumThrows(); k++)
CheckThrow(method_declaration -> Throw(k));
AstMethodDeclarator *method_declarator = method_declaration -> method_declarator;
if (! method_declaration -> method_body -> EmptyStatementCast())
// The block that is the body of a method is reachable
AstBlock *block_body;
// The body of a method must be a regular block. If instead, it
// is a constructor block, mark the compilation unit as a bad
// compilation so that the parser can properly diagnose this
// problem later.
AstConstructorBlock *constructor_block = method_declaration -> method_body -> ConstructorBlockCast();
if (constructor_block)
compilation_unit -> kind = Ast::BAD_COMPILATION; // invalidate the compilation unit
constructor_block -> is_reachable = true;
block_body = constructor_block -> block;
// If the parser recognizes the body of a method as a ConstructorBlock
// then it must have an explicit_constructor_invocation.
AstThisCall *this_call = constructor_block -> explicit_constructor_invocation_opt -> ThisCallCast();
if (this_call)
this_call -> is_reachable = true;
// Do not process the explicit constructor invocation as this could
// cause problems with assertions (e.g. for inner classes) that will
// turn out not to be true.
// ProcessThisCall(this_call);
block_body -> is_reachable = this_call -> can_complete_normally;
AstSuperCall *super_call = (AstSuperCall *) constructor_block -> explicit_constructor_invocation_opt;
super_call -> is_reachable = true;
// Do not process the explicit constructor invocation as this could
// cause problems with assertions (e.g. for inner classes) that will
// turn out not to be true.
// ProcessSuperCall(super_call);
block_body -> is_reachable = super_call -> can_complete_normally;
block_body = (AstBlock *) method_declaration -> method_body;
block_body -> is_reachable = true;
block_body -> block_symbol = this_method -> block_symbol;
block_body -> nesting_level = LocalBlockStack().Size();
if (block_body -> can_complete_normally)
if (this_method -> Type() == control.void_type)
AstReturnStatement *return_statement = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenReturnStatement();
return_statement -> return_token = block_body -> right_brace_token;
return_statement -> expression_opt = NULL;
return_statement -> semicolon_token = block_body -> right_brace_token;
return_statement -> is_reachable = true;
block_body -> can_complete_normally = false;
block_body -> AddStatement(return_statement);
method_declaration -> type -> LeftToken(),
method_declaration -> method_declarator -> identifier_token,
this_method -> Header(),
this_method -> Type() -> Name());
if (this_method -> ACC_ABSTRACT() || this_method -> ACC_NATIVE())
method_declaration -> LeftToken(),
method_declaration -> RightToken(),
this_method -> Header());
else if (! (this_method -> ACC_ABSTRACT() || this_method -> ACC_NATIVE()))
method_declaration -> LeftToken(),
method_declaration -> RightToken(),
this_method -> Header());
this_method -> block_symbol -> CompressSpace(); // space optimization
void Semantic::ProcessConstructorBody(AstConstructorDeclaration *constructor_declaration, bool body_reachable)
TypeSymbol *this_type = ThisType();
MethodSymbol *this_method = ThisMethod();
for (int k = 0; k < constructor_declaration -> NumThrows(); k++)
CheckThrow(constructor_declaration -> Throw(k));
AstMethodDeclarator *constructor_declarator = constructor_declaration -> constructor_declarator;
// The block that is the body of a constructor is reachable
AstConstructorBlock *constructor_block = constructor_declaration -> constructor_body;
constructor_block -> is_reachable = true;
AstBlock *block_body = constructor_block -> block;
AstThisCall *this_call = NULL;
AstSuperCall *super_call = NULL;
TypeSymbol *super_type = this_type -> super;
if (constructor_block -> explicit_constructor_invocation_opt)
this_call = constructor_block -> explicit_constructor_invocation_opt -> ThisCallCast();
super_call = constructor_block -> explicit_constructor_invocation_opt -> SuperCallCast();
else if (super_type)
LexStream::TokenIndex loc = block_body -> LeftToken();
super_call = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenSuperCall();
super_call -> base_opt = NULL;
super_call -> dot_token_opt = loc;
super_call -> super_token = loc;
super_call -> left_parenthesis_token = loc;
super_call -> right_parenthesis_token = loc;
super_call -> semicolon_token = loc;
constructor_block -> explicit_constructor_invocation_opt = super_call;
if (super_type -> IsInner() && (! this_type -> CanAccess(super_type -> ContainingType())))
constructor_declaration -> constructor_declarator -> LeftToken(),
constructor_declaration -> constructor_declarator -> RightToken(),
super_type -> ContainingType() -> ContainingPackage() -> PackageName(),
super_type -> ContainingType() -> ExternalName());
// If the constructor starts with an explicit_constructor_invocation, either
// one specified by the user or generated, we process it and set up the proper
// local environment, if appropriate...
if (constructor_block -> explicit_constructor_invocation_opt)
// If we are processing a local constructor, set up the generated environment...
if (this_type -> IsLocal())
assert(this_method -> LocalConstructor() && (! this_method -> IsGeneratedLocalConstructor()));
LocalSymbolTable().Push(this_method -> LocalConstructor() -> block_symbol -> Table());
if (this_call)
this_call -> is_reachable = true;
super_call -> is_reachable = true;
// If we are processing a local constructor, restore its original environment...
if (this_type -> IsLocal())
LocalSymbolTable().Push(this_method -> block_symbol -> Table());
if (! (body_reachable || (constructor_block -> explicit_constructor_invocation_opt &&
constructor_block -> explicit_constructor_invocation_opt -> ThisCallCast())))
constructor_declaration -> LeftToken(),
constructor_declaration -> RightToken());
// Guess that the number of elements will not exceed the number of statements.
int table_size = block_body -> NumStatements();
BlockSymbol *block = LocalSymbolTable().Top() -> InsertBlockSymbol(table_size);
// enclosing_block is not present only when we are processing the block of a static initializer
block -> max_variable_index = this_method -> block_symbol -> max_variable_index;
LocalSymbolTable().Push(block -> Table());
block_body -> is_reachable = true;
block_body -> block_symbol = block;
block_body -> nesting_level = LocalBlockStack().Size();
if (block_body -> can_complete_normally)
AstReturnStatement *return_statement = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenReturnStatement();
return_statement -> return_token = block_body -> right_brace_token;
return_statement -> expression_opt = NULL;
return_statement -> semicolon_token = block_body -> right_brace_token;
return_statement -> is_reachable = true;
block_body -> can_complete_normally = false;
block_body -> AddStatement(return_statement);
constructor_block -> can_complete_normally = block_body -> can_complete_normally;
block -> CompressSpace(); // space optimization
void Semantic::ProcessExecutableBodies(SemanticEnvironment *environment, AstClassBody *class_body)
TypeSymbol *this_type = ThisType();
assert(this_type -> HeaderProcessed());
assert(this_type -> ConstructorMembersProcessed());
assert(this_type -> MethodMembersProcessed());
assert(this_type -> FieldMembersProcessed());
ThisVariable() = NULL; // All variable declarations have already been processed
// Compute the set of instance final variables declared by the user in this type
// as well as the set of instance final variables that have not yet been initialized.
Tuple<VariableSymbol *> finals(this_type -> NumVariableSymbols()),
unassigned_finals(this_type -> NumVariableSymbols());
for (int k = 0; k < this_type -> NumVariableSymbols(); k++)
VariableSymbol *variable_symbol = this_type -> VariableSym(k);
if (variable_symbol -> ACC_FINAL() && variable_symbol -> declarator)
finals.Next() = variable_symbol;
if (! variable_symbol -> IsDefinitelyAssigned())
unassigned_finals.Next() = variable_symbol;
AstBlock *last_block_body = (class_body -> NumBlocks() > 0 ? class_body -> Block(class_body -> NumBlocks() - 1)
: (AstBlock *) NULL);
if (class_body -> NumConstructors() == 0)
// Issue an error for each unassigned final.
for (int k = 0; k < unassigned_finals.Length(); k++)
unassigned_finals[k] -> declarator -> LeftToken(),
unassigned_finals[k] -> declarator -> RightToken());
// Process the body of the default constructor, if there is one.
// (An anonymous class does not yet have a default constructor at this point.)
AstConstructorDeclaration *constructor_decl = class_body -> default_constructor;
if (constructor_decl)
ThisMethod() = constructor_decl -> constructor_symbol;
LocalSymbolTable().Push(ThisMethod() -> block_symbol -> Table());
LocalBlockStack().max_size = 0;
ProcessConstructorBody(constructor_decl, ((! last_block_body) || last_block_body -> can_complete_normally));
ThisMethod() -> max_block_depth = LocalBlockStack().max_size;
for (int i = 0; i < class_body -> NumConstructors(); i++)
AstConstructorDeclaration *constructor_decl = class_body -> Constructor(i);
ThisMethod() = constructor_decl -> constructor_symbol;
MethodSymbol *this_method = ThisMethod();
if (this_method)
for (int l = 0; l < this_method -> NumFormalParameters(); l++)
VariableSymbol *parm = this_method -> FormalParameter(l);
AstVariableDeclaratorId *name = (AstVariableDeclaratorId *) parm -> declarator;
SemanticEnvironment *where_found;
Tuple<VariableSymbol *> variables_found(2);
SearchForVariableInEnvironment(variables_found, where_found, state_stack.Top(),
parm -> Identity(),
name -> identifier_token);
VariableSymbol *symbol = (variables_found.Length() > 0 ? variables_found[0] : (VariableSymbol *) NULL);
if (symbol && symbol -> IsLocal())
name -> identifier_token,
name -> identifier_token,
parm -> Name());
AstConstructorBlock *constructor_block = constructor_decl -> constructor_body;
if (constructor_block -> explicit_constructor_invocation_opt &&
constructor_block -> explicit_constructor_invocation_opt -> ThisCallCast())
for (int j = 0; j < unassigned_finals.Length(); j++)
unassigned_finals[j] -> MarkDefinitelyAssigned();
for (int j = 0; j < unassigned_finals.Length(); j++)
unassigned_finals[j] -> MarkNotDefinitelyAssigned();
LocalSymbolTable().Push(this_method -> block_symbol -> Table());
LocalBlockStack().max_size = 0;
int start_num_errors = NumErrors();
ProcessConstructorBody(constructor_decl, ((! last_block_body) || last_block_body -> can_complete_normally));
this_method -> max_block_depth = LocalBlockStack().max_size;
if (NumErrors() == start_num_errors)
DefiniteConstructorBody(constructor_decl, finals);
for (int k = 0; k < unassigned_finals.Length(); k++)
VariableSymbol *variable_symbol = unassigned_finals[k];
if (! variable_symbol -> IsDefinitelyAssigned())
constructor_decl -> LeftToken(),
constructor_decl -> RightToken(),
variable_symbol -> Name());
for (int l = 0; l < this_type -> NumPrivateAccessConstructors(); l++)
ThisMethod() = this_type -> PrivateAccessConstructor(l);
MethodSymbol *this_method = ThisMethod();
AstConstructorDeclaration *constructor_decl = (AstConstructorDeclaration *)
this_method -> method_or_constructor_declaration;
LocalSymbolTable().Push(this_method -> block_symbol -> Table());
LocalBlockStack().max_size = 0;
ProcessConstructorBody(constructor_decl, true);
this_method -> max_block_depth = LocalBlockStack().max_size;
ConstructorCycleChecker cycle_checker(class_body);
for (int j = 0; j < class_body -> NumMethods(); j++)
AstMethodDeclaration *method_decl = class_body -> Method(j);
ThisMethod() = method_decl -> method_symbol;
MethodSymbol *this_method = ThisMethod();
if (this_method)
// TODO: Confirm that this new test is indeed necessary. In 1.0, a more restricted test was used...
for (int i = 0; i < this_method -> NumFormalParameters(); i++)
VariableSymbol *parm = this_method -> FormalParameter(i);
AstVariableDeclaratorId *name = (AstVariableDeclaratorId *) parm -> declarator;
SemanticEnvironment *where_found;
Tuple<VariableSymbol *> variables_found(2);
SearchForVariableInEnvironment(variables_found, where_found, state_stack.Top(),
parm -> Identity(),
name -> identifier_token);
VariableSymbol *symbol = (variables_found.Length() > 0 ? variables_found[0] : (VariableSymbol *) NULL);
if (symbol && symbol -> IsLocal())
name -> identifier_token,
name -> identifier_token,
parm -> Name());
LocalSymbolTable().Push(this_method -> block_symbol -> Table());
LocalBlockStack().max_size = 0;
int start_num_errors = NumErrors();
this_method -> max_block_depth = LocalBlockStack().max_size;
if (NumErrors() == start_num_errors)
DefiniteMethodBody(method_decl, finals);
// Mark all instance variables and constructor parameters final.
for (int i = 0; i < this_type -> NumConstructorParameters(); i++)
this_type -> ConstructorParameter(i) -> SetACC_FINAL();
for (int l = 0; l < this_type -> NumEnclosingInstances(); l++)
this_type -> EnclosingInstance(l) -> SetACC_FINAL();
// We are done with all the methods, indicate that there is no method
// being currently compiled in this environment.
ThisMethod() = NULL;
// Recursively process all inner types
for (int m = 0; m < class_body -> NumNestedClasses(); m++)
AstClassDeclaration *class_declaration = class_body -> NestedClass(m);
if (class_declaration -> semantic_environment)
ProcessExecutableBodies(class_declaration -> semantic_environment, class_declaration -> class_body);
for (int n = 0; n < class_body -> NumNestedInterfaces(); n++)
if (class_body -> NestedInterface(n) -> semantic_environment)
ProcessExecutableBodies(class_body -> NestedInterface(n));
void Semantic::ProcessExecutableBodies(AstInterfaceDeclaration *interface_declaration)
state_stack.Push(interface_declaration -> semantic_environment);
TypeSymbol *this_type = ThisType();
assert(this_type -> HeaderProcessed());
assert(this_type -> MethodMembersProcessed());
assert(this_type -> FieldMembersProcessed());
for (int k = 0; k < this_type -> NumVariableSymbols(); k++)
VariableSymbol *variable_symbol = this_type -> VariableSym(k);
if (! variable_symbol -> IsDefinitelyAssigned())
variable_symbol -> declarator -> LeftToken(),
variable_symbol -> declarator -> RightToken());
// Recursively process all inner types
for (int m = 0; m < interface_declaration -> NumNestedClasses(); m++)
AstClassDeclaration *class_declaration = interface_declaration -> NestedClass(m);
if (class_declaration -> semantic_environment)
ProcessExecutableBodies(class_declaration -> semantic_environment, class_declaration -> class_body);
for (int n = 0; n < interface_declaration -> NumNestedInterfaces(); n++)
if (interface_declaration -> NestedInterface(n) -> semantic_environment)
ProcessExecutableBodies(interface_declaration -> NestedInterface(n));